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First Line Friday (because aren't first lines exciting?)

Every night it's the same dream. I'm sailing along the calm seas of the south pacific when suddenly, without warning, the temperature drops. Brrr. . . I'm disoriented by the sudden change and lose all sense of direction. Drawn to some inescapable desire -- CRASH -- and before I can turn around . . . it's too late.

From TeenBoat by Dave Roman and John Green (It's better when you see the pictures!)

Review from Comicsgirl (comicsgirl.com)

TeenBoat is about a teenage boy who turns into a boat named TeenBoat (in case, you know, the title didn’t immediately tip you off to that), Originally a series of (Ignatz Award-winning) minicomics, creators Dave Roman and John Green pull in amazing amount pop culture influences (Turbo Teen is an obvious reference point, as are teen dramas like Dawson’s Creek) into something that’s still fun and original. Trust me when I tell you that Teen Boat! is really one of the best things ever.

Why this book is here:

Because he's a teen who can turn into a boat! How cool is that? Read More 
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